Here's the less-visible work that supports the whole project
Most of this infrastructure now becomes a part of "Lot1" as shown on the page "layouts". This supports building of a mansion a cottage and anciliary buildings.

Electric lines meet waterline at corner of property

Municipal standard "Blue Brute" pipes

Pressure testing the water system

Electricity transformer bases being positioned

Trench. Kootenay Lakeview Lodge in background

Municipal standard curb-stops in water system

Transformer base

Waterlines and electricity in same trench

Preparing the materials for the water system

Mc'Q's restaurant in background

Container stores more valuable components

Nelson Hydro electricity junction box

Curb stops and water-feeds

One of the three electric transformers

Transformer with fire-suppression hydrant in foreground

Pump shed housing computerized controls and filters.

New 600gpd septic field installed summer 2016
Percolation tests have been conducted to prove that another, identical field can be installed

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